New Website

We now have a new website up
Me and Clay are still sorting stuff out for it, and we are getting there
Please have a look at it and sign up
If there is anything you want added then feel free to do it or ask me or clay
Also can you make some posts there and get it looking a bit busier
Even if you copy/paste some of the usefull posts we have here
Let me know what you thimk of it or if we should just keep this one but maybe update it to look the same as the new site or not
Me and Clay are still sorting stuff out for it, and we are getting there
Please have a look at it and sign up
If there is anything you want added then feel free to do it or ask me or clay
Also can you make some posts there and get it looking a bit busier
Even if you copy/paste some of the usefull posts we have here
Let me know what you thimk of it or if we should just keep this one but maybe update it to look the same as the new site or not